Cron Job Cheat Sheet

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Please note the cron job above is just an example and you should edit it accordingly: In this example, the cron job is triggered every day at 11am. Crontab guru may come in handy if you want to change this value; The full paths to navi and git may differ in your setup. Check their actual values using which navi and which git. Cron Syntax Cheatsheet. understands most of the traditional cron syntax features. Under the hood, it uses the croniter package to parse and interpret cron expressions. Below is a showcase of supported syntax features.

Executing a command and parsing its output

run($command, %options)

Run a remote command and returns its output.


CRON JOB CHEAT SHEET. What is a cronjob? A command that will be automatically executed when specified. How do I setup a cronjob? Dragon dictaphone. In the command line, type: crontab -e. The 3rd parameter (i.e. Nodeport) is the service type, the options are: clusterip, externalname, loadbalancer & nodeport. The port can be a duplet like -tcp=5678:8080 where ports are port:targetPort.The -node-port is optional and only for nodeport type. Kubectl cheatsheet. Go to - Reference - kubectl CLI - kubectl Cheat Sheet kubectl commands reference. 1.minute 2.hour 3.dom 4.month 5.weekday command 1. Minute Minute of the hour 0 th 59 2. Hour Hour of the day 0 to 23 3.

  • cwd - Work directory for the command.
  • only_if - Executes the command only if the condition completes successfully.
  • unless - Executes the command only unless the condition completes successfully.
  • only_notified - queues the command, to be executed upon notification.
  • env - sets environment variables for the command.
  • timeout - try to terminate the command after the given amount of seconds.
  • auto_die - die if the command returns with a non-zero exit code.
  • command - the command that should be executed.
  • creates - If the file given with this option already exists, the command won't be executed.

Example to just run a command if a file doesn't exists

Example to run a command and get its output

Installing and configuring a service

The most used functions in configuration management is installing/managing services and managing configuration files. In Rex you can do this with the file, pkg and service functions.

file($remote_file, %options)

Manage files on remote systems.

Cron Job Cheat Sheet


  • ensure - Defines the state of the file. Valid parameters are present, absent, directory.
  • source - The local file that should be uploaded to the remote server.
  • content - Set the content directly. Can be used together with the template() function.
  • owner - The owner of the file.
  • group - The group the file should belong to.
  • mode - The file system privileges the file should have.
  • no_overwrite - If set to TRUE the file won't be overwritten if the file already exists.
  • on_change - A callback function that gets called when the file state changed. (For example if the file content was modified).

pkg($name, %options)

Install a package on the remote system.


  • ensure - Defines the state of the package. Valid parameters are latest, present, absent or the version that should be enforced.
  • on_change - A called function that gets called when the package state changed. (For example when it was updated)


Manage the state of a service.

Cron Jobs Linux

This function can be called as a resource or as a normal function to directly stop/start/restart/.. services.

Options (for calling as a resource)

  • ensure - Defines the state of the service. Valid parameters are started, stopped.
  • start - Custom command to start the service.
  • stop - Custom command to stop the service.
  • status - Custom command to get the status of a service.
  • restart - Custom command to restart a service.
  • reload - Custom command to reload a service.

Example for calling as resource

Cron cheatsheet

Example for calling as function

Managing Cron

Manage cron jobs.

cron_entry($entry_name, %options)


  • ensure - Defines the state of the cron entry. Valid parameters are present, absent.
  • command - The command to run.
  • minute - The minute when to run the job.
  • hour - The hour when to run the job.
  • month - The month when to run the job.
  • day_of_week
  • day_of_month
  • user - The user for the cron job.
  • on_change - A callback function that gets called when the cron entry state changed.

Managing users and groups

Azure Cron Cheat Sheet

Manage local user database.

account($user_name, %options)

Cron Cheatsheet

Manage user accounts.


  • ensure - Defines the state of the account. Valid parameters are present, absent.
  • uid - The user id.
  • groups - The groups the user should be member of. The first group is the primary.
  • home - The home directory.
  • expire - Date when the account will expire. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • password - Cleartext password for the user.
  • crypt_password - Crypted password for the user. Available on Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD.
  • system - Create a system user.
  • create_home - If the home directory should be created. Valid parameters are TRUE, FALSE.
  • ssh_key - Add ssh key to authorized_keys.
  • comment

Cheat Sheet Terraria

Cron Job Cheat SheetCron job cheat sheet printable

group($group_name, %options)

Manage groups.

Cron Job Schedule


Cron Job Cheat Sheet 2020

  • ensure - Defines the state of the group. Valid parameters are present, absent.
  • gid - The group id.
  • system - Create a system group.